Copies the users account picture to a temporary directory and returns the path or returns various paths relating to user pictures
LPCWSTR pwszPicOrUserName,
DWORD sguppFlags,
LPWSTR pwszPicPath,
UINT picPathLen
- pwszPicOrUserName
- The name of a user account on this computer, or desired file name of the current users picture. Can be NULL to indicate the current users' name.
- sguppFlags
- Function options, see SHGetUserPicturePathEx for values and descriptions
- pwszPicPath
- A pointer to a buffer that receives the path of the copied file. Cannot be NULL.
- picPathLen
- Length of the pwszPicPath buffer in chars
Return Value
S_OK on success, standard COM error on failure
Forwards to SHGetUserPicturePathEx as:
HRESULT WINAPI SHGetUserPicturePath(LPCWSTR pUserOrPicName, DWORD sguppFlags, LPWSTR pwszPicPath, UINT picPathLen) { return SHGetUserPicturePathEx(pUserOrPicName, sguppFlags, NULL, pwszPicPath, picPathLen, NULL, 0); }On XP and Server 2003, the prototype is:
// pwszPicPath is assumed to be MAX_PATH in size void WINAPI SHGetUserPicturePathW(LPCWSTR pUserOrPicName, DWORD sguppFlags, LPWSTR pwszPicPath);This function is also known as _SHGetUserPicturePath@16 and _SHGetUserPicturePathW@12.