Converts a number to a string with optional formatting such as thousands separators and negative signs.
int WINAPI LargeIntegerToString (
LPWSTR pwszBuf,
UINT bufLen,
BOOL useNumberFormat,
NUMBERFMT* pFormatInfo,
DWORD dwFlags
- pNumber
- Pointer to the number to be formatted, cannot be NULL
- pwszBuf
- A pointer to the converted string
- bufLen
- The size of pwszBuf in WCHARs
- useNumberFormat
- A flag specifying whether to format the number
- pFormatInfo
- Structure describing the formatting to apply to the number
- dwFlags
- Bit flag specifying which members of pFormatInfo to use
Return Value
Number of WCHARs written to pszBuf, not including the terminating nul
This function forwards to Int64ToString using pNumber->QuadPart as the first argument.
This function is also known as _LargIntegerToString@24.